Funeral planning
with Annandale
Funeral Directors
We understand arranging a funeral can be a difficult, often overwhelming process for families. At Annandale Funeral Directors, we hope to ease the weight of the responsibility that is funeral planning by offering professional guidance and support where you need it. From funeral cars, hearses, and funeral flowers through to headstones, burials, and simple cremations, our dedicated team has a wealth of experience and is here to help.
How we can assist you
Annandale Funeral Directors are long-established and trusted in the Lockerbie and Lochmaben communities. We have our own private restroom, a quality hearse, and limousines with experienced bearers for your service. Let us support you through the decisions to be made when arranging a funeral for a loved one.
We provide:
Simple cremations
Burial arrangement
Non-religious funerals
Green funerals
Funeral financial plans
Funeral flowers
Chapel of rest
Funeral cars
Repatriation service
Grave tending and repairs
Monumental masonry and memorials
Pre-paid funeral plans
Are you thinking about the future? Do you want to give peace of mind to those you love? We know it can be difficult thinking about mortality, but a pre-paid funeral plan can bring comfort and financial assurance to you and your family.
At Annandale Funeral Directors in Lockerbie, we are dedicated to making our pre-paid funeral plans easy and straightforward. We can guide you through the range of funeral plans available, and ensure everything is taken care of when the time comes. To learn more, get in touch or visit us. With premises in Lockerbie and Lochmaben, our teams are waiting to welcome you.
Visit Annandale Funeral Directors
Beyond our Lochmaben and Lockerbie premises, we have a dedicated room for you to meet with us in our family home. Alternatively, we'd be happy to visit you in your own home.
Lochmaben address
26 Queen Street, Lochmaben, DG11 1PP
Lockerbie address
98 High Street, Lockerbie, DG11 2ES